Pursuing the selfless love of Jesus together.

Welcome to CCW

We’re a family who love each other and always want to invite others to join us in celebrating God and learning to know and trust Jesus more in our lives.

We gather every Sunday at 9:30 am, throughout the week in various activities and life groups across all generations. Whether you’re new to the area or seeking a church to call home, we welcome you to experience a place of belonging, faith, and community.

Kids & Families

Babies to grade 6


Grade 7 - 12

Young Adults

18 - 30 year olds


Over 60's

Life Groups
Kings Cafe

Join us this Weekend!

We invite you to join us each Sunday as we come together as a church family to worship, grow in our discipleship journeys and afterwards join us in the cafe for a coffee and chat.

Sundays at 9.30am (online & in-person)

Church Online

Every Sunday at 9.30am we live stream our services for our online church family. You can also listen and watch all of our previous messages below.

What's Happening

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